Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. pony                  
1. horse \'ho.(*)rs\ n or hors.es also horse [ME hors, fr. OE; akin to OHG 
   hros horse] pl  1a: a large solid-hoofed herbivorous mammal (Equus 
   caballus, family E quidae, the horse family) domesticated by man since a 
   prehistoric period and used as a beast of burden, a draft animal, or for 
   riding 1b: a male horse : STALLION; also : a gelding as distinguis hed from 
   an entire male 1c: a frame usu. with legs used for supporting something a 
   gymnastic appara tus shaped something like the body of a small horse pl 
   horse  3: CAVALRY  4: a mass of the same geological character as the wall 
   rock occurring withi n a vein 5: HORSEPOWER  : from the original source  - 
   from the horse's mouth 
2. horse vt 1: to provide with a horse  2: to move by brute force  of a 
   mare  1: to be in heat  2: to engage in horseplay 
3. horse aj 1a: of, relating to, or dealing with a horse  1b: worked by 
   horsepower  2: large or coarse of its kind  3: mounted on horses