Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. measure               
1. im.pe.ri.al \im-'pir-e--*l\ \-*-le-\ aj [ME, fr. MF, fr. LL imperialis, 
   fr. L imperium command, empire] 1a: of, relating to, or befitting an empire 
   or an emperor  1b1: of or relating to the United Kingdom as distinguished 
   from the consti tuent parts 1b2: of or relating to the British Commonwealth 
   and Empire  obs  2a: SOVEREIGN  2b: REGAL, IMPERIOUS  3: of superior or 
   unusual size or excellence  4: belonging to the official British series of 
   weights and measures  - im.pe.ri.al.ly av
2. imperial n [fr. the beard worn by Napoleon III] cap  1: an adherent or 
   soldier of the Holy Roman emperor  2: EMPEROR  3: a size of paper usu. 23 x 
   31 inches  4: a pointed beard growing below the lower lip  5: something of 
   unusual size or excellence