Webster's English Dictionary

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se.ries \'si(*)r-(.)e-z\ n or series [L, fr. serere to join, link together; 
   akin to Gk eirein to string] pl  often attrib together, hormos chain, 
   necklace 1a: a number of things or events of the same class coming one 
   after another  1b: a group with an order of arrangement exhibiting 
   progression  2: the indicated sum of a usu. infinite sequence of numbers  
   3: a succession of volumes or issues published with related subjects or aut 
   hors, similar format and price, or continuous numbering 4: a division of 
   rock formations smaller than a system comprising rocks dep osited during an 
   epoch 5: an arrangement of the parts of or elements in an electric circuit 
   whereb y the whole current passes through each part or element without 
   branching 6: a set of vowels connected by ablaut (as i, a, u in  ring, 
   rang, rung) 7: a group of successive coordinate sentence elements joined 
   together {an , a, b, and c ~} 8: three consecutive games in bowling  : in a 
   serial arrangement  - in series