roman \ro--'ma:n\ n [ME, fr. OF romans romance] : a metrical romance 1. \'ro--m*n\ n [partly fr. ME, fr. OE, fr. L Romanus, adj. & n., fr.
Roma Rome; pa]rtly fr. ME Romain, fr. OF, fr. L Romanus 1: a native or
resident of Rome 2: ROMAN CATHOLIC - often taken to be offensive not cap
3: roman letters or type
2. Roman aj 1: of or relating to Rome or the people of Rome; specif :
characte ristic of the ancient Romans {~ fortitude} 2: LATIN not cap 3:
UPRIGHT - used of numbers and letters whose capital forms are m odeled on
ancient Roman inscriptions 4: of or relating to the see of Rome or the
Roman Catholic Church 5: having a semicircular intrados {~ arch} 6:
having a prominent slightly aquiline bridge {~ nose}