1. size \'si-z\ n [ME sise assize, fr. MF, fr. OF, short for assise - more
at AS]SIZE dial Brit 1: ASSIZE - usu. used in pl. archaic 2: a fixed
portion of food or drink 3a: physical magnitude, extent, or bulk :
relative or proportionate dimen sions 3b: BIGNESS 4: one of a series of
graduated measures esp. of manufactured articles (as of clothing)
conventionally identified by numbers or letters {a ~ 7 hat} {a shoe of ~
4A} 5: character, quality, or status of a person or thing esp. with
reference t o importance, relative merit, or correspondence to needs 6:
actual state of affairs : true condition {that's about the ~ o f it}
2. size vt 1: to make a particular size : bring to proper or suitable size
2: to arrange, grade, or classify according to size or bulk 3: to form a
judgment of - usu. used with up : to equal in size or other particular
characteristic : COMPARE -m usu. used with up and often with to or with
3. size n [ME sise] : any of various glutinous materials (as preparations
of glue, flour, varn ish, or resins) used for filling the pores in surfaces
(as of paper, textiles, leather, or plaster) or in bookbinding for applying
color or leaf to book edges or covers
4. size vt : to cover, stiffen, or glaze with or as if with size
5. size aj : SIZED - usu. used in combination