Webster's English Dictionary

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iris \'i--r*s\ \'i--r*-.de-z, 'ir-*-\ n or iris.es or iri.des [ME, fr. L 
   irid-, iris rainbow, iris plant, fr. Gk, rainbow, iris p] [NL irid-, iris, 
   fr. Gk] [NL Irid-, Iris, genus name, fr. L] pl lant, iris of the eye - more 
   at WIRE 1: RAINBOW  2: the opaque contractile diaphragm perforated by the 
   pupil and forming the  colored portion of the eye 3: any of a large genus 
   (Iris of the family Iridaceae, the iris famil y) of perennial herbaceous 
   plants with linear usu. basal leaves and large showy flowersIris \'i--r*s\ 
   n [L, fr. Gk] : the goddess if the rainbow and messenger of the gods in 
   Greek mythology