Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. cord                  
1. wire \'wi-(*)r\ \-.li-k\ n [ME, fr. OE wi-r; akin to OHG wiara fine 
   gold, L vie-re] often attrib  to plait, Gk iris rainbow 1a: metal in the 
   form of a usu. very flexible thread or slender rod  1b: a thread or rod of 
   such material  2a: WIREWORK  2b: the meshwork of parallel or woven wire on 
   which the wet web of paper fo rms 3: something wirelike (as a thin plant 
   stem)  usu pl  4a: a system of wires used to operate the puppets in a 
   puppet show  4b: hidden influences controlling the action of a person or 
   organization  5a: a line of wire for conducting electrical current  5b: a 
   telephone or telegraph wire or system  5c: TELEGRAM, CABLEGRAM  6: fencing 
   or a fence of usu. barbed wire  7: the finish line of a race  1: at the 
   finish line  2: at the last moment  - wire.like aj
2. wire vt 1: to provide with wire : use wire on for any purpose  2: to 
   send or send word to by telegraph  : to send a telegraphic message