Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. scholar               
1. pu.pil \'pyu:-p*l\ n [ME pupille minor ward, fr. MF, fr. L pupillus male 
   ward (fr. dim.]of pupus boy) & pupilla female ward, fr. dim. of pupa girl, 
   doll, puppet 1: a child or young person in school or in the charge of a 
   tutor or instruc tor : STUDENT 2: one who has been taught or influenced by 
   a person of fame or distinction  : DISCIPLE
2. pupil \-p*-l*r\ \-.ler-e-\ n [MF pupille, fr. L pupilla, fr. dim. of 
   pupa doll; fr. the ti]ny image of oneself seen reflected in another's eye : 
   the contractile usu. round aperture in the iris of the eye  - pu.pil.ar aj