Webster's English Dictionary

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1. eye \'i-\ \'i-d\ \'i--l*s\ \'i--li-k\ n [ME, fr. OE e-age; akin to OHG 
   ouga eye, L oculus, Gk o]-ps eye, face 1a: an organ of sight; esp : a 
   nearly spherical hollow organ lined  with a sensitive retina and lodged in 
   a bony orbit in the skull that is the vertebrate organ of sight and is 
   normally paired 1b: all the visible structures within and surrounding the 
   orbit and includi ng eyelids, eyelashes, and eyebrows 1c1: the faculty of 
   seeing with eyes  1c2: the faculty of intellectual perception or 
   appreciation  1d: LOOK, GLANCE  1e: an attentive look  1f: POINT OF VIEW, 
   JUDGMENT  2: something having an appearance suggestive of an eye : as  2a: 
   the hole through the head of a needle  2b: a usu. circular marking (as on a 
   peacock's tail)  2c: LOOP; esp : a loop or other catch to receive a hook  
   2d: an undeveloped bud (as on a potato)  2e: an area like a hole in the 
   center of a tropical cyclone marked by only  light winds or complete calm 
   with no precipitation 2f: the center of a flower esp. when differently 
   colored or marked; spec if : the disk of a composite 3: something central : 
   CENTER  4: the direction from which the wind is blowing  slang  5: 
   DETECTIVE {a private ~}  : marked by rapt attention  : with a view to  - 
   eyed aj
2. eye vb or eyed;  or eye.ing;  or ey.ing 1a: to fix the eyes on  1b: to 
   watch sharply  2: to furnish with an eye  obs  : SEEM, LOOK