Webster's English Dictionary

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1. lily \'lil-e-\ n [ME lilie, fr. OE, fr. L lilium] 1: any of numerous 
   erect perennial leafy-stemmed bulbous herbs that constit ue a genus 
   (Lilium) of a large nearly cosmopolitan family (Liliaceae, the lily 
   family), are native to the northern hemisphere, and are widely cultivated 
   for their showy flowers; broadly : any of various plants of the lily family 
   or of the related amaryllis or iris families 2: any of various plants with 
   showy flowers : as  2a: the scarlet anemone that grows wild in Palestine  
   2b: WATER LILY  2c: CALLA  3: IRIS 
2. lily aj : resembling a lily in fairness, purity, or fragility