Webster's English Dictionary

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1. erect \i-'rekt\ \-'rek-(t)le-\ \-'rek(t)-n*s\ aj [ME, fr. L erectus, pp. 
   of erigere to erect, fr. e- + rege]re to lead straight, guide - more at 
   RIGHT 1a: vertical in position; specif : not spreading or decumbent  1b: 
   standing up or out from the body  1c: characterized by firm or rigid 
   straightness in bodily posture {~)R bearing} archaic  2: directed upward  
   obs  3: ALERT, WATCHFUL  - erect.ly av
2. erect vt 1a1: to put up by the fitting together of materials or parts : 
   BUILD)M 1a2: to fix in an upright position  1a3: to cause to stand up or 
   out  archaic  1b: to direct upward  1c: to change (as image) from an 
   inverted to a normal position  2: to elevate in status  3: to set up : 
   ESTABLISH  obs  4: ENCOURAGE, EMBOLDEN  5: to construct (as a 
   perpendicular) upon a given base