1. pace \'pa-s\ n [ME pas, fr. OF, step, of L passus, fr. passus, pp. of
pan]dere to spread - more at FATHOM 1a: rate of movement esp. on foot; esp
: an established rate of loc omotion 1b: rate of progress; specif :
parallel rate of growth or developme nt 1c: an example to be emulated;
specif : first place in a competitio n 1d1: rate of performance or delivery
: TEMPO 1d2: rhythmic animation : FLUENCY 2: a manner of walking : TREAD
3a: STEP 3b: any of various units of distance based on the length of a
human step 4a: an exhibition of skills or capacities 4b: GAIT; esp : a
fast 2-beat gait (as of the horse) in which the legs move in lateral pairs
and support the animal alternately on the right and left legs
2. pace vi 1a: to walk with slow or measured tread 1b: to move along :
PROCEED 2: to go at a pace - used esp. of a horse 1a: to measure by
pacing 1b: to cover at a walk of a horse 2: to cover (a course) by
pacing 3a: to set or regulate the pace of 3b1: to go before : PRECEDE
3b2: LEAD 3c: to keep pace with
3. pa.ce \'pa--se-\ pp [L, abl. of pac-, pax peace, permission] : with due
respect to