Webster's English Dictionary

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1. plea.sure \'plezh-*r, 'pla-zh-\ n [ME plesure, alter. of plesir, fr. MF 
   plaisir, fr. plaisir] to please 1: DESIRE, INCLINATION {wait upon his ~ 
   -Shak.}  2: a state of gratification : ENJOYMENT  3a: sensual gratification 
    3b: frivolous amusement  4: a source of delight or joy YMENT, FRUITION 
   mean the agreeable emotion accompanying the possession or expectation of 
   what is good or greatly desired. PLEASURE stresses satisfaction or 
   gratification rather than visible happiness; DELIGHT usu. reverses this 
   emphasis; JOY may imply a more deep-rooted rapturous emotion than either; 
   DELECTATION and ENJOYMENT imply reaction to pleasurable experience 
   consciously sought or provided, DELECTATION suggesting amusement or 
   diversion, ENJOYMENT gratification or happiness; FRUITION implies pleasure 
   in possession or enjoyment in attainment SYN syn PLEASURE, DELIGHT, JOY, 
2. pleasure \-(*-)rin\ vb or plea.sur.ing 1: to take pleasure : DELIGHT  2: 
   to seek pleasure  : to afford pleasure to : GRATIFY