Webster's English Dictionary

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1. moor \'mu.(*)r\ n [ME mor, fr. OE mo-r; akin to OHG meri sea - more at 
   ]MARINE chiefly Brit  1: an expanse of open rolling infertile land  2: a 
   boggy area of wasteland usu. peaty and dominated by grasses and sedges 
2. moor vb [ME moren; akin to MD meren, maren to tie, moor] : to make fast 
   with cables, lines, or anchors  1: to secure a boat by mooring : ANCHOR  2: 
   to be made fast Moor \'mu.(*)r\ \-ish\ n [ME More, fr. MF, fr. L Maurus] 
   1a: one of the mixed Arab and Berber conquerors of Spain in the 8th century 
    A.D. 1b: BERBER  2: MUSLIM  - Moor.ish aj