Webster's English Dictionary

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1. an.chor \'an-k*r\ n [ME ancre, fr. OE ancor, fr. L anchora, fr. Gk 
   ankyra;] often attrib akin to L uncus hook - more at ANGLE 1: a device usu. 
   of metal attached to a ship or boat by a cable and cast ov erboard to hold 
   the vessel in a particular place by means of a fluke that digs into the 
   bottom 2: a reliable support  3: something that serves to hold an object 
   firmly  4: an object shaped like a ship's anchor  5: one who competes or is 
   placed last 
2. anchor \-k(*-)rin\ vb or an.chor.ing 1: to hold in place in the water by 
   an anchor  2: to secure firmly : FIX  1: to cast anchor  2: to become fixed