Webster's English Dictionary

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1. ought \'o.t\ va [ME oughte (1st & 3d sing. pres. indic.), fr. oughte, 
   1st & 3d sing]. past indic. & subj. of owen to own, owe - more at OWE : - 
   used to express moral obligation {~ to pay our debts}, ad visability {~ to 
   take care of yourself}, natural expectation {~ to be here by now}, or 
   logical consequence {the result ~ to be infinity}
2. ought \'o.(k)t\ vt [ME oughte, 1st & 3d sing. past indic. of owen] 
   chiefly Scot  1: OWE  chiefly Scot  2: POSSESS 
3. ought \'o.t\ n : moral obligation : DUTY 
4. ought \'o.t, 'a:t\  var of AUGHT