Webster's English Dictionary

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1. care \'ke(*)r, 'ka(*)r\ n [ME, fr. OE caru; akin to OHG kara lament, L 
   garrire to chatt]er 1: suffering of mind : GRIEF  2a: a burdensome sense of 
   responsibility : ANXIETY  2b: a cause for such anxiety  3: painstaking or 
   watchful attention  4: regard coming from desire or esteem  5: CHARGE, 
   SUPERVISION  6: a person or thing that is an object of attention, anxiety, 
   or solicitude  implies oppression of the mind weighed down by 
   responsibility or disquieted by apprehension; CONCERN implies a troubled 
   state of mind because of personal interest, relation, or affection; 
   SOLICITUDE implies great concern and connotes either thoughtful or hovering 
   attentiveness to one in pain, illness, or distress; ANXIETY stresses 
   anguished uncertainty or fear of misfortune or failure; WORRY suggests 
   fretting over matters that may or may not be real cause for anxiety SYN syn 
2. care vi 1a: to feel trouble or anxiety  1b: to feel interest or concern 
   {~ about freedom}  2: to give care {~ for the sick}  3a: to have a liking, 
   fondness, or taste {don't ~ for her}  3b: to have an inclination {would you 
   ~ for some pie}  1: to be concerned about or to the extent of  2: WISH  - 
   car.er n