Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. function               2. obligation             3. task                  
du.ty \'d(y)u:t-e-\ n [ME duete, fr. AF duete`, fr. OF deu due] 1: conduct 
   due to parents and superiors : RESPECT  2a: the action required by one's 
   position or occupation  2b: assigned service or business; specif : active 
   military service  3a: a moral or legal obligation  3b: the force of moral 
   obligation  4: TAX; esp : a tax on imports  5a1: the work done by a machine 
   under given conditions  5a2: a measure of efficiency expressed in terms of 
   the amount of work done  in relation to the energy consumed 5b1: the 
   service required (as of an electrical machine) under specified con ditions 
   of load and rest 5b2: USE, SERVICE  6: the quantity of irrigation water 
   required to fill the needs of the area  of a particular crop