Webster's English Dictionary

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1. now \(')nau.\ av [ME, fr. OE nu-; akin to OHG nu- now, L nunc, Gk nyn] 
   1a: at the present time or moment  1b: in the time immediately before the 
   present  1c: in the time immediately to follow : FORTHWITH  2: - used with 
   the sense of present time weakened or lost to express com mand, request, or 
   admonition {~ hear this} 3: - used with the sense of present time weakened 
   or lost to introduce a n important point or indicate a transition 4: 
   SOMETIMES {~ one and ~ another}  5: under the present circumstances  6: at 
   the time referred to {~ the trouble began} 
2. now cj : in view of the fact that : SINCE {~ that we are here} 
3. now \'nau.\ n : the present time or moment : PRESENT 
4. now \'nau.\ aj : of or relating to the present time : EXISTING {the ~ pr 