Webster's English Dictionary

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1. pe.ti.tion \p*-'tish-*n\ \-'tish-*-.ner-e-\ n [ME, fr. MF, fr. L 
   petition-, petitio, fr. petitus, pp. of Xpetere to seek, request - more at 
   FEATHER 1: an earnest request : ENTREATY  2a: a formal written request made 
   to a superior  2b: a document embodying such a formal written request  3: 
   something asked or requested  - pe.ti.tion.ary aj
2. petition \-'tish-(*-)nin\ \-'tish-(*-)n*r\ vb or pe.ti.tion.ing : to 
   make a request to or for : SOLICIT  : to make a request; esp : to make a 
   formal written request  - pe.ti.tion.er n