Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. ask                    2. invite                
so.lic.it \s*-'lis-*t\ vb [ME soliciten to disturb, take charge of, fr. MF 
   solliciter, fr. L]sollicitare to disturb, fr. sollicitus anxious, fr. 
   sollus whole (fr. Oscan; akin to Gk holos whole) + citus, pp. of cie-re to 
   move - more at SAFE, HIGHT 1a: to make petition to : ENTREAT  1b: to 
   approach with a request or plea  2: to strongly urge (as one's cause)  3a: 
   to entice or lure esp. into evil  obs  3b: to attempt to seduce  3c: to 
   accost (a man) for immoral purposes  4: to try to obtain by asking  : to 
   make solicitation : IMPORTUNE