Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. serious               
1. ear.nest \'*r-n*st\ n [ME ernest, fr. OE eornost; akin to OHG ernust 
   earnest] : a serious and intent mental state {in ~} 
2. earnest \-n*st-n*s, -n*-sn*s\ aj 1: characterized by or proceeding from 
   an intense and serious state of min d 2: GRAVE, IMPORTANT  - ear.nest.ly av
3. earnest n [ME ernes, ernest, fr. OF erres, pl. of erre earnest, f]r. L 
   arra, short for arrabo, fr. Gk arrhabo-n, fr. Heb 'e-ra-bho-n 1: something 
   of value given by a buyer to a seller to bind a bargain  2: a token of what 
   is to come : PLEDGE