Webster's English Dictionary

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plau.si.ble \'plo.-z*-b*l\ \-ble-\ aj [L plausibilis worthy of applause, 
   fr. plausus, pp. of plaudere)X 1: superficially fair, reasonable, or 
   valuable : SPECIOUS  2: superficially pleasing or persuasive  3: 
   superficially worthy of belief : CREDIBLE n outwardly acceptable as true or 
   genuine. PLAUSIBLE implies reasonableness at first sight or hearing usu. 
   with some hint of a possibility of being deceived; CREDIBLE may suggest 
   plausibility but more clearly stresses worthiness of belief; COLORABLE 
   stresses credibility on merely outward grounds; SPECIOUS stresses 
   plausibility usu. with a clear implication of dissimulation or fraud - 
   plau.si.ble.ness n SYN syn PLAUSIBLE, CREDIBLE, COLORABLE, SPECIOUS mea