sug.gest \s*(g)-'jest\ vt [L suggestus, pp. of suggerere to put under,
furnish, suggest, fr.]sub- + gerere to carry - more at CAST obs 1a: to
seek to influence : SEDUCE 1b: to call forth : EVOKE 1c: to imply as a
possibility : INTIMATE 1d: to propose as desirable or fitting {~ a stroll}
1e: to offer for consideration or as a hypothesis 2a: to call to mind by
thought or association 2b: to serve as a motive or inspiration for mean
to convey an idea indirectly. SUGGEST stresses putting into the mind by
association of ideas; IMPLY is close to SUGGEST but may indicate that the
unexpressed idea is more definitely or logically related to the expressed;
HINT implies the use of slight or remote suggestion with a minimum of overt
statement; INTIMATE stresses delicacy of suggestion without connoting any
lack of candor; INSINUATE applies to the conveying of a usu. unpleasant or
depreciatory idea in a sly, underhanded manner - n SYN syn