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Cross references:
  1. beautiful             
1. fair \'fa(*)r, 'fe(*)r\ aj [ME fager, fair fr. OE fger; akin to OHG 
   fagar] beautiful and perh. to Lith puoshachek>ti to decorate 1: attractive 
   in appearance : BEAUTIFUL  2: superficially pleasing : SPECIOUS  3a: CLEAN, 
   PURE  3b: CLEAR, LEGIBLE  4a: not stormy or foul : CLOUDLESS  4b: free or 
   nearly free from precipitation  5: AMPLE {a ~ estate}  6a: marked by 
   impartiality and honesty : JUST  6b: conforming with the established rules 
   : ALLOWED  6c: open to legitimate pursuit or attack {~ game}  7a: 
   PROMISING, LIKELY  7b: favorable to a ship's course {a ~ wind}  archaic  8: 
   free of obstacles  9: not dark : BLOND  10: ADEQUATE D, DISPASSIONATE, 
   OBJECTIVE mean free from favor toward either or any side. FAIR implies an 
   elimination of one's own feelings, prejudices, and desires so as to achieve 
   a proper balance of conflicting interests; JUST implies an exact following 
   of a standard of what is right and proper; EQUITABLE, less rigid than JUST, 
   implies equal treatment of all concerned; IMPARTIAL stresses an absence of 
   favor or prejudice in making a judgement; UNBIASED implies even more 
   strongly an absence of all prejudice or prepossession; DISPASSIONATE 
   suggests freedom from the influence of strong feeling and often implies 
   coolness or even coldness in judgment; OBJECTIVE stresses a tendency to 
   view events or persons as apart from oneself and one's own interest, 
   opinion, likes, or dislikes - fair.ness n SYN syn FAIR, JUST, EQUITABLE, 
2. fair n obs  1: FAIRNESS, BEAUTY  2: something that is fair or fortunate  
   archaic  3: WOMAN; esp : SWEETHEART 
3. fair av : FAIRLY 
4. fair vi of the weather  : CLEAR to join so that the external surfaces 
   blend smoothly 
5. fair n [ME feire, fr. OF, fr. ML feria weekday, fair, fr. LL, festal 
   day,]fr. L feriae (pl.) holidays - more at FEAST 1: a gathering of buyers 
   and sellers at a particular place and time for tra de 2: a competitive 
   exhibition (as of farm products)  3: a sale of a collection of articles 
   usu. for a charitable purpose