Webster's English Dictionary

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1. por.ter \'po-rt-*r, 'po.rt-\ n [ME, fr. OF portier, fr. LL portarius fr. 
   L porta gate - mo]re at PORT chiefly Brit  : a person stationed at a door 
   or gate to admit or assist those entering 
2. porter n [ME portour, fr. MF porteour, fr. LL portator, fr. L porta] 
   [short for porter's beer]tus, pp. of portare to carry - more at FARE 1: one 
   who carries burdens; specif : one employed to carry baggage  for patrons at 
   a hotel or transportation terminal 2: a parlor-car or sleeping-car 
   attendant who waits on passengers and makes  up berths 3: a weak stout that 
   is rich in saccharine matter and contains about four p ercent of alcohol