Webster's English Dictionary

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1. about \*-'bau.t\ av [ME, fr. OE abu-tan, fr. 1a- + bu-tan outside -] 
   more at BUT 1: on all sides : AROUND  2a: in rotation  2b: around the 
   outside  3a: APPROXIMATELY  3b: ALMOST {~ starved}  4: here and there  5: 
   in the vicinity : NEAR  6: in succession : ALTERNATELY {turn ~ is fair 
   play}  7a: in the opposite direction {face ~}  7b: in reverse order {the 
   other way ~} 
2. about pp 1: on every side of : AROUND  2a: in the immediate neighborhood 
   of : NEAR  2b: on or near the person of  2c: in the makeup of {a mature 
   wisdom ~ him}  2d: at the command of {has his wits ~ him}  3a: engaged in  
   3b: on the verge of {~ to join the army}  4: with regard to : CONCERNING  
   5: over or in different parts of 
3. about aj 1: moving from place to place; specif : out of bed  2: AROUND