Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. make                   2. form                  
1. shape \'sha-p\ vb [ME shapen, alter. of OE scieppan; akin to OHG skepfen 
   to sha]pe 1: FORM, CREATE; esp : to give a particular form or sh ape to obs 
    2: ORDAIN, DECREE  3: to cut out and fashion (as a garment) by a pattern  
   4a: DEVISE, PLAN  4b: to embody in definite form {shaping a folktale into 
   an epic}  5a: to make fit for : ADAPT  5b: to determine or direct the 
   course of (as life)  1: HAPPEN, BEFALL  2: to take on or approach a mature 
   form - often used with up  - shap.er n
2. shape \.sha-pt\ n 1a: the visible makeup characteristic of a particular 
   item or kind of item  1b1: spatial form  1b2: a standard or universally 
   recognized spatial form  2: the appearance of the body as distinguished 
   from that of the face : MFIGURE 3a: PHANTOM, APPARITION  3b: assumed 
   appearance : GUISE  4: form of embodiment  5: a mode of existence or form 
   of being having identifying features  6: something having a particular form 
    7: the condition in which someone or something exists at a particular time 
    {in excellent ~ for his age} - shaped aj