Webster's English Dictionary

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1. pro.duce \pr*-'d(y)u:s, pro--\ vb [ME (Sc) producen, fr. L producere, 
   fr. pro- forward + duc]ere to lead - more at TOW 1: to offer to view or 
   notice : EXHIBIT  2: to give birth or rise to : YIELD  3: to extend in 
   length, area, or volume {~ a side of a triangle}  4: to present to the 
   public on the stage or screen or over radio or televi sion 5: to give 
   being, form, or shape to : MAKE; esp : MANUF ACTURE 6: to accrue or cause 
   to accrue  : to bear, make, or yield something 
2. pro.duce \'pra:d-(.)u:s, 'pro-d- also -(.)yu:s\ n 1a: something produced 
    1b: the amount produced : YIELD  2: agricultural products and esp. fresh 
   fruits and vegetables as distinguis hed from grain and other staple crops 
   3: the progeny usu. of a female animal