Webster's English Dictionary

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1. treat \'tre-t\ \-*-b*l\ vb [ME treten, fr. OF traitier, fr. L tractare 
   to handle, deal w]ith, fr. tractus, pp. of trahere to draw - more at DRAW 
   1: to discuss terms of accommodation or settlement : NEGOTIATE  2: to deal 
   with a matter esp. in writing : DISCOURSE - usu. used  with of 3: to bear 
   the expense of another's entertainment  1a: to deal with in speech or 
   writing : EXPOUND  1b: to present or represent artistically  1c: to deal 
   with : HANDLE  2a: to bear oneself toward : USE {~ a horse cruelly}  2b: to 
   regard and deal with in a specified manner - usu. used with as  3a: to 
   provide with free food, drink, or entertainment  3b: to provide with 
   enjoyment or gratification  4: to care for or deal with medically or 
   surgically {~ a disease> 5: to act upon with some agent esp. to improve or 
   alter {~ a metal  with acid} - treat.able aj
2. treat n 1: an entertainment given without expense to those invited  2: 
   an esp. unexpected source of joy, delight, or amusement