Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. injustice              2. false                 
1. wrong \'ro.n\ n [ME, fr. OE wrang, fr. (assumed) wrang, adj., wrong] 1: 
   an injurious, unfair, or unjust act  2: something wrong, immoral, or 
   unethical; esp : principles, practi ces, or conduct contrary to justice, 
   goodness, equity, or law 3: action or conduct inflicting harm without due 
   provocation or just cause  4: the state, position, or fact of being or 
   doing wrong : as  4a: the state of being mistaken or incorrect  4b: the 
   state of being guilty  5: a violation or invasion of the legal rights of 
   another; esp : MTORT
2. wrong \'ro.n-le-\ aj [ME, fr. (assumed) OE wrang, of Scand origin; akin 
   to ON rangr awry], wrong; akin to OE wringan to wring 1: not according to 
   the moral standard : SINFUL, IMMORAL  2: not right or proper according to a 
   code, standard, or convention : MIMPROPER 3: not suitable or appropriate  
   4: not according to truth or facts : INCORRECT  5: not satisfactory (as in 
   condition, results, health, or temper)  6: of, relating to, or constituting 
   the side of something that is usu. hel d to be opposite to the principal 
   one, that is the one naturally or by design turned down, inward, or away, 
   or that is the least finished or polished - wrong av
3. wrong \'ro.n-in\ \'ro.n-*r\ vt or wrong.ing 1a: to do wrong to : INJURE, 
   HARM  1b: to treat disrespectfully or dishonorably : VIOLATE  2: DEFRAUD  
   3: DISHONOR, MALIGN injure unjustly or outrageously. WRONG implies 
   inflicting injury either unmerited or out of proportion to what one 
   deserves; OPPRESS suggests inhumane imposing of burdens one cannot endure 
   or exacting more than one can perform; PERSECUTE implies a relentless and 
   unremitting subjection to annoyance or suffering; AGGRIEVE suggests a 
   giving cause for protest by wronging, oppressing, or persecuting - wrong.er