1. fan \'fan\ \\ n [ME, fr. OE fann, fr. L vannus - more at WINNOW]
1: any of various devices for winnowing grain 2: an instrument for
producing a current for air : as 2a: a device for cooling the person usu.
shaped like a segment of a circle and composed of material (as feathers,
paper) mounted on thin rods or slats moving about a pivot so that the
device may be closed compactly when not in use 2b: a device for producing a
current of air that consists of a series of va nes radiating from a hub
rotated on its axle by a motor 3: something resembling an open fan - aj
2. fan vb or fanned; or fanning 1a: to drive away the chaff of by means of
a current of air 1b: to eliminate by winnowing 2: to move or impel (air)
with a fan 3: to blow or breathe upon 4a: to direct a current of air upon
with a fan 4b: to stir up to activity as if by fanning : STIMULATE
archaic 5: WAVE slang 7: SPANK to spread like a fan 8: to strike (a
batter) out in baseball 9: to fire by squeezing the trigger and striking
the hammer to the rear wi th the free hand 1: to move like a fan 2: to
spread like a fan of a baseball batter 3: to strike out
3. fan n [prob. short for fanatic] 1: an enthusiastic devotee (as of a
sport) usu. as a spectator 2: an ardent admirer (as of a celebrity)