Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. devout                
1. re.li.gious \ri-'lij-*s\ aj [ME, fr. OF religieus, fr. L religiosus, fr. 
   religio] 1: relating or devoted to the divine or that which is held to be 
   of ultima te importance 2: of or relating to religious beliefs or 
   observances  3a: scrupulously and conscientiously faithful  3b: FERVENT, 
   ZEALOUS  - re.li.gious.ly av
2. religious n or religious [ME, fr. OF religieus, fr. religieus, adj.] pl  
   : one (as a monk) bound by vows, sequestered from secular concerns, and de 
   voted to a life of piety a religious order bound by vows of poverty, 
   chastity, and obedience. RELIGIOUS is the general term applicable to a man 
   or woman; MONK applies to a male religious living in a cloister and devoted 
   to contemplation, prayers, and some chosen work; FRIAR applies to a male 
   religious of an order of originally mendicant preachers of the gospel; NUN 
   applies to any female religious but suggests esp. one of the severer orders 
   SYN syn RELIGIOUS, MONK, FRIAR, NUN mean a member of