Webster's English Dictionary

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1. abuse \*-'byu:z\ vt [ME abusen, fr. MF abuser, fr. L abusus, pp. of 
   abuti,]fr. ab- + uti to use - more at USE 1: to attack in words : REVILE  
   obs  2: DECEIVE  3: to put to a wrong or improper use  4: to use so as to 
   injure or damage : MALTREAT  - abus.er n
2. abuse \*-'byu:s\ n 1: a corrupt practice or custom  2: improper use or 
   treatment : MISUSE  obs  3: a deceitful act : DECEPTION  4: abusive 
   language  5: physical maltreatment , BILLINGSGATE: ABUSE stresses harshness 
   and unfairness of verbal attack; VITUPERATION implies fluent and sustained 
   abuse; INVECTIVE implies fully as much vehemence but usu. suggests logical 
   presentation or cogent expression and public attack; OBLOQUY suggests 
   defamation and consequent shame and disgrace; SCURRILITY implies 
   viciousness of attack and coarseness or foulness of language; BILLINGSGATE 
   implies practiced fluency and variety of profane or obscene abuse SYN syn