Webster's English Dictionary

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1. tem.ple \'tem-p*l\ \-p*ld\ n [ME, fr. OE & OF; OE tempel & OF temple, 
   fr. L templum space] often attrib marked out for observation of auguries, 
   temple; prob. akin to L tempus time 1: an edifice for the worship of a 
   deity  often cap  2: one of three successive national sanctuaries in 
   ancient Jerusalem  3: a building for Mormon sacred ordinances  4: a Reform 
   or Conservative synagogue  5: a local lodge of any of various fraternal 
   orders or the building housing  it 6: a place devoted to a special or 
   exalted purpose  - tem.pled aj
2. temple n [ME, fr. MF, fr. (assumed) VL tempula, alter. of L tempora 
   (pl.) te]mples; prob. akin to L tempor-, tempus time : the flattened space 
   on each side of the forehead of man and some other m ammals
3. temple n [ME tempylle, fr. MF temple, prob. fr. L templum temple, smal]l 
   timber : a device in a loom for keeping the web stretched transversely