Webster's English Dictionary

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1. be.fore \bi-'fo-(*)r, -'fo.(*)r\ av [ME, adv. & prep., fr. OE beforan, 
   fr. be- + foran before, fr]. fore 1: in advance : AHEAD  2: EARLIER, 
2. before pp 1a1: in front of  1a2: in the presence of {stood ~ the judge}  
   1b: under the jurisdiction or consideration of {the case ~ the cou rt} 1c1: 
   at the disposal of  1c2: in store for : in the future of  2: preceding in 
   time {come ~ six o'clock}  3: in a higher or more important position than 
   {put quantity ~ qua lity}
3. before cj 1: earlier than the time when  2: sooner than