Cross references:
1. invite
1. court \'ko-(*)rt, 'ko.(*)rt\ n [ME, fr. OF, fr. L cohort-, cohors
enclosure, throng, cohort, fr. (] often attribXco- + -hort-, -hors (akin to
hortus garden) - more at YARD 1a: the residence or establishment of a
sovereign or similar dignitary 1b: a sovereign's formal assembly of his
councillors and officers 1c: the sovereign and his officers and advisers
who are the governing power 1d: the family and retinue of a sovereign 1e:
a reception held by a sovereign 2a: a manor house or large building
surrounded by usu. enclosed grounds 2b: MOTEL 2c: an open space enclosed
wholly or partly by buildings or circumscribed b y a single building 2d: a
quadrangular space walled or marked off for playing one of various ga mes
with a ball (as lawn tennis, racquets, handball, or basketball) or a
division of such a court 2e: a wide alley with only one opening onto a
street 3a: an official assembly for the transaction of judicial business
3b: a session of such a court {~ is now adjourned} 3c: a chamber or other
place for the administration of justice 3d: a judge or judges in session
3e: a faculty or agency of judgment or evaluation 4a: an assembly or board
with legislative or administrative powers 4b: PARLIAMENT, LEGISLATURE 5:
conduct or attention intended to win favor or dispel hostility
2. court vt 1a: to seek to gain or achieve 1b1: ALLURE, TEMPT 1b2: to act
so as to invite or provoke 2a: to seek the affections of of an animal
2b: to perform actions to attract for mating 3: to seek to attract by
attentions and flatteries 1: to engage in social activities leading to
engagement and marriage of an animal 2: to engage in activity leading to