Webster's English Dictionary

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thing \'thin\ n [ME, fr. OE, thing, assembly; akin to OHG ding thing, 
   assembly, Goth t]heihs time 1a: a matter of concern : AFFAIR {many ~s to 
   do}  pl  1b: state of affairs in general or within a specified or implied 
   sphere { ~s are improving} 1c: a particular state of affairs : SITUATION 
   {look at this ~)R another way} 1d: EVENT, CIRCUMSTANCE {that shooting was a 
   terrible ~ } 2a: DEED, ACT, ACCOMPLISHMENT {do great ~s)> 2b: a product or 
   work or activity {likes to build ~s}  2c: the aim of effort or activity 
   {the ~ is to get well}  3a: a separate and distinct individual quality, 
   fact, idea, or usu. entity  3b: the concrete entity as distinguished from 
   its appearances  3c: a spatial entity  3d: an inanimate object 
   distinguished from a living being  pl  4a: POSSESSIONS, EFFECTS {pack your 
   ~s}  4b: whatever may be possessed or owned or be the object of a right  
   4c: an article of clothing {not a ~ to wear}  pl  4d: equipment or utensils 
   esp. for a particular purpose {bring the tea R@s} 5: an object or entity 
   not precisely designated or capable of being designa ted {use this ~} 6a: 
   DETAIL, POINT {checks every little ~}  6b: a material or substance of a 
   specified kind {avoid starchy ~ s} 7a: a spoken or written observation or 
   point  7b: IDEA, NOTION {says the first ~ he thinks of}  7c: a piece of 
   news or information {couldn't get a ~ out of him}  8: INDIVIDUAL; esp : 
   PERSON  9: the proper or fashionable way of behaving, talking, or dressing 
   - used  with the 10: a mild obsession or phobia {has a ~ about driving}