Webster's English Dictionary

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1. sta.tion \'sta--sh*n\ n [ME stacioun, fr. MF station, fr. L station-, 
   statio, f] often attrib r. status, pp. of stare to stand - more at STAND 1: 
   the place or position in which something or someone stands or is assigne d 
   to stand or remain 2: the act or manner of standing : POSTURE  3: a 
   stopping place : as  3a1: a regular stopping place in a transportation 
   route  3a2: the building connected with such a stopping place : DEPOT  3b: 
   one of the stations of the cross  4: a post or sphere of duty or 
   occupation; specif, Austral :  RANCH 5: social standing {a woman of high ~} 
    6: a place for specialized observation and study of scientific phenomena  
   7: a place established to provide a public service : as  7a: FIRE STATION  
   7b: a branch post office  8a: a complete assemblage of radio or television 
   equipment for transmitting  or receiving 8b: the place in which such a 
   station is located 
2. station \'sta--sh(*-)nin\ vt or sta.tion.ing : to assign to or set in a 
   station or position : POST