Webster's English Dictionary

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req.ui.si.tion \.rek-w*-'zish-*n\ \-'zish-(*-)nin\ n or req.ui.si.tion.ing 
   [MF or ML; MF, fr. ML requisition-, requisitio, fr. L, act of searc]hing, 
   fr. requisitus archaic  1a: the act of requiring  archaic  1b: REQUEST, 
   DEMAND  2a: the act of formally requiring or calling upon someone to 
   perform an act ion 2b: a formal demand made by one nation upon another for 
   the surrender or ex tradition of a fugitive from justice 3a: the act of 
   requiring something to be furnished  3b: a demand or application made usu. 
   with authority : as  3b1: a demand made by military authorities upon 
   civilians for supplies or o ther needs 3b2: a written request for something 
   authorized but not made available auto matically 4: the state of being in 
   demand or use  - requisition vt