Webster's English Dictionary

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na.tion \'na--sh*n\ \-.hu.d\ n [ME nacioun, fr. MF nation, fr. L nation-, 
   natio birth,] race, nation, fr. natus, pp. of nasci to be born; akin to L 
   gignere to beget - more at KIN 1a1: NATIONALITY  1a2: a politically 
   organized nationality  1b: a community of people composed of one or more 
   nationalities and possess ing a more or less defined territory and 
   government 1c: a territorial division containing a body of people of one or 
   more natio nalities and usu. characterized by relatively large size and 
   independent status archaic  2: GROUP, AGGREGATION  3: a tribe or federation 
   of tribes (as of American Indians)  - na.tion.hood n