Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. transient             
1. fu.gi.tive \'fyu:-j*t-iv\ aj [ME, fr. MF & L; MF fugitif, fr. L 
   fugitivus, fr. fugitus, pp]. of fugere to flee; akin to Gk pheugein to flee 
   and prob. to OHG biogan to bend - more at BOW 1: running away or intending 
   flight {~ slave ~ debtor}  2: moving from place to place : WANDERING  3a: 
   being of short duration  3b: difficult to grasp or retain : ELUSIVE  3c: 
   likely to evaporate, deteriorate, change, fade, or disappear  4: being of 
   transient interest : EPHEMERAL  - fu.gi.tive.ly av
2. fugitive n 1: one who flees or tries to escape; specif : REFUGEE  2: 
   something elusive or hard to find