Webster's English Dictionary

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res.i.due \'rez-*-.d(y)u:\ n [ME, fr. MF residu, fr. L residuum, fr. neut. 
   of residuus lef]t over, fr. reside-re to remain : something that remains 
   after a part is taken, separated, or designated :: REMNANT, REMAINDER : as 
   : the part of a testator's estate remaining after the satisfaction of all  
   debts, charges, allowances, and previous devises and bequests : the 
   remainder after subtracting a multiple of a modulus from an integer  or a 
   power of the integer : the second of two terms in a congruence {2 and 7 are 
   ~s of 12 modulo 5} {9 is a quadratic ~ of 7 modulo 5 since 72-8x5=9}