Webster's English Dictionary

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1. since \(')sin(t)s\ av [ME sins, contr. of sithens, fr. sithen, fr. OE 
   siththanX, fr. sith tham since that, fr. sith since + tham, dat. of 
   tht that; akin to OHG si-d since, L serus late, OE sa-wan to sow 1: 
   from a definite past time until now {has stayed there ever ~}  2: before 
   the present time : AGO {long ~ dead}  3: after a time in the past : 
   SUBSEQUENTLY {has ~ become r ich}
2. since pp 1: in the period after a specified time in the past 
   {improvements made (R@ 1928} 2: continuously from a specified time in the 
   past {happy ~ then} 
3. since cj 1: at a time or times in the past after or later than {has held 
   two jobs  ~ he graduated} obs  2: WHEN  3: from the time in the past when 
   {ever ~ he was a child}  4: in view of the fact that : BECAUSE {~ it was 
   raining he  wore a hat}