Webster's English Dictionary

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1. mul.ti.ple \'m*l-t*-p*l\ aj [F, fr. L multiplex, fr. multi- + -plex 
   -fold - more at ]SIMPLE 1: consisting of, including, or involving more than 
   one  2: MANY, MANIFOLD  3: shared by many  4: VARIOUS, COMPLEX  5a: being a 
   circuit with a number of conductors in parallel  5b: being a group of 
   terminals which make a circuit available at a number  of points 6: formed 
   by coalescence of the ripening ovaries of several flowers 
2. multiple n 1a: the product of a quantity by an integer {35 is a ~ of 7}  
   1b: an assemblage with respect to any of its divisions or parts {lay mine s 
   in ~} 2: PARALLEL