Webster's English Dictionary

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1. nose \'no-z\ n [ME, fr. OE nosu; akin to OHG nasa nose, L nasus] 1: the 
   part of the face that bears the nostrils and covers the anterior par t of 
   the nasal cavity; broadly : this part together with the nasal cavity 2: the 
   sense of smell : OLFACTION  3: the vertebrate  3b: the projecting or 
   working end to a tool  5: the stem of a boat or its protective metal 
2. nose vt 1: to detect by or as if by smell : SCENT  2a: to push or move 
   with the nose  2b: to advance the nose into  3: to touch or rub with the 
   nose : NUZZLE  4: to defeat by a narrow margin in a sport or contest  1: to 
   use the nose in examining, smelling, or showing affection  2: to search 
   impertinently : PRY  3: to move ahead slowly or cautiously