Webster's English Dictionary

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1. peo.ple \'pe--p*l\ n or people;  or peoples [ME peple, fr. OF peuple, 
   fr. L populus] pl  pl  1a: persons who form part of the aggregate of human 
   beings  1b: human beings as distinguished from the lower animals  pl  2: 
   human beings making up a group or assembly or linked by a common interes t 
   pl  3: the members of a family or kinship  pl  4: the mass of a community 
   as distinguished from a special class  pl  5: a body of persons that are 
   united by a common culture, tradition, or sen se of kinship, that typically 
   have common language, institutions, and beliefs, and that often constitute 
   a politically organized group 6: lower animals usu. of a specified kind or 
   situation  7: the body of enfranchised citizens of a state : ELECTORATE 
2. people \-p(*-)lin\ vt or peo.pling [MF puepler, fr. OF, fr. peuple] 1: 
   to supply or fill with people  2: to dwell in : INHABIT