Webster's English Dictionary

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1. Lat.in \'lat-*n\ aj [ME, fr. OE, fr. L Latinus, fr. Latium, ancient 
   country of Italy] 1: of or relating to Latium or the Latins  2a: of, 
   relating to, or composed in Latin  2b: ROMANCE  3: of or relating to the 
   part of the Catholic Church that uses a Latin rit e and forms the 
   patriarchate of the pope 4: of or relating to the peoples or countries 
   using Romance languages;  specif : of or relating to the peoples or 
   countries of Latin America
2. Latin n 1: the Italic language of ancient Latium and of Rome and until 
   modern times  the dominant language of school, church, and state in western 
   Europe 2: a member of the people of ancient Latium  3: a Catholic of the 
   Latin rite  4: a member of one of the Latin peoples; specif : a native or 
   inhab itant of Latin America 5: the Latin alphabet