Webster's English Dictionary

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ro.sette \ro--'zet\ n [F, lit., small rose, fr. OF, fr. rose, fr. L rosa] 
   1: an ornament resembling a rose usu. gathered or pleated and worn as a bad 
   ge of office, as evidence of having won a decoration (as the medal of 
   honor), or as trimming 2: a disk of foliage or a floral design usu. in 
   relief used as a decorative  motif 3: a structure or color marking on an 
   animal suggestive of a rosette; es p : one of the groups of spots on a 
   leopard 4: a cluster of leaves in crowded circles or spirals arising 
   basally from a  crown (as in the dandelion) or apically from an axis with 
   greatly shortened internodes (as in many tropical palms)