Webster's English Dictionary

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1. many \'men-e-\ \'mo-(*)r, 'mo.(*)r\ \'mo-st\ aj or more;  or most [ME, 
   fr. OE manig; akin to OHG manag many, OSlav mubreveQnogubreve> much 1: 
   consisting of or amounting to a large but indefinite number {worked f or ~ 
   years} 2: being one of a large but indefinite number {~ a man} {~)R another 
   student} : the same in number {saw three plays in as many days}  - as many 
2. many pn pl in constr  : a large number of persons or things {~ of them} 
3. many n pl in constr  1: a large but indefinite number {a good ~ of them} 
    2: the great majority of people {the ~}